
Gaits are going to be another thing about Sassafras that makes her a top-notch premium mule. She’s already nicely set in her smooth flat foot walk and excellent running walk, making these gait transitions easily without needing to feel them out-- but there’s also a short lope in there, too! She’ll be ready to be someone’s pride and joy, with a solid handle on her and more polish than most mules three times her age!

All in all, Sassafras is great “go anywhere- do anything” fearless little mule, just waiting to be snapped up by someone who will appreciate everything she has to offer!

Around the house

Running Walk on road

Sassafras lies down for mounting

All in all, Sassafras is great “go anywhere- do anything” fearless little mule, just waiting to be snapped up by someone who will appreciate everything she has to offer!

Hanging at the barn


Just a little ride


Listen and watch her gait on the road.


Taking it easy